N. Freitas de Mello
V.O.M. Pereira
E.L. Pereira
L.M.P. Santos
Onde foi publicado:
European Journal of Public Health
Violence has important consequences for the people who experience it, for families and for societies. It becomes an even greater challenge for disabled persons (DP), who face various kinds of barriers and suffer all kinds of discrimination, prejudice, stigma and oppression. This work aimed to analyze the panorama of violence against DP from the characterization of cases of violence reported in the Ministry of Health’s Violence and Accident Surveillance System (Viva) by Brazilian’s health services. The profile of the DP in violence’s situation, the type of violence perpetrated against this people and the profile of the probable perpetrators of violence allow us to understand the context of vulnerability and exclusion to which the DP are immersed.
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